Andrew Gelman

Professor Gelman's past research has been in two major areas: (1) statistical theory, methods, and computation, and (2) applications in political science, public health, and policy. His statistical work has centered on Bayesian inference, multilevel models, and graphical methods. Gelman's research focuses on building and checking multilevel models in applications including time series of public opinions, laboratory measurements of allergens, income and voting in elections, political polarization, and psychometrics. Gelman directs the Applied Statistics Center, which has connections with over a dozen departments, schools, and institutes at Columbia, and he is also conducting an ongoing series of methodological workshops with faculty at the Columbia School of Social Work.

Research Interests

Policy (policies)


American Community Survey
Current Population Survey
Decennial Census
Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study
General Social Survey
Vital Statistics Data