Jane Waldfogel

Waldfogel is Compton Foundation Centennial Professor for the Prevention of Children's and Youth Problems, at the School of Social Work, and co-director of the CPRC. Waldfogel's research focuses on the effects of public policies on child and family well-being, both in the U.S. and cross-nationally. Current research interests include improving the measurement of poverty, work-family policies, and understanding socioeconomic status gaps in child development.

Research Interests

Family Leave
Family Policy
Social Policy


American Community Survey
American Time Use Survey
Consumer Expenditure Survey
Current Population Survey
Decennial Census
Early Childhood Poverty Tracker Data
Early Childhood Longitudinal Studies Program or other Institute of Education Sciences Data
Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study
Health and Retirement Study
Luxembourg Income Study
National Health Interview Survey
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth or other NLS Datasets
National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being
Poverty Tracker Data
Survey of Income and Program Participation