Randall Reback

Randall Reback is a Professor of Economics at Barnard College. Reback is also Editor of Education Finance and Policy, a highly-ranked journal published by M.I.T. Press. He has taught courses in the Economics of Education, American Well-being, Econometrics, and Urban Economics to undergraduate students at Barnard College and Columbia University. His research focuses on the economics of education, especially as it relates to elementary and secondary school policies. He has published research articles concerning school accountability programs, school choice, college guidebook ratings, teacher labor markets, school finance, and schools’ mental health services.

Before arriving at Barnard, Reback was a 5th grade public school teacher in California and a predoctoral scholar at the University of Michigan’s Population Studies Center. More recently, as part of the Getting Down to Facts collaboration at Stanford University, Reback authored a report investigating the gaps in health and mental health services inside California’s public schools. He is currently working on several research projects examining how school-based health services affect students’ academic performance.

Research Interests

Human Capital and Children
Teen Pregnancy
Urban Health
Urban Policy


American Community Survey
Administrative Data (state or national)
Decennial Census
Early Childhood Longitudinal Studies Program or other Institute of Education Sciences Data
NYC Administrative Data