Wojciech Kopczuk

Wojciech Kopczuk is Professor of Economics and International and Public Affairs. Kopczuk's research focuses on the design of and behavioral responses to taxation and welfare programs and on measurement and evolution of income and wealth inequality. His recent studies include analysis of the role of social networks in tax avoidance, understanding tax avoidance strategies of closely held firms,  theoretical analysis of the design of social welfare programs in the presence of imperfect take up, documenting and understanding evolution of inequality and mobility in the United States, measurement of intergenerational mobility using Danish data covering three generations and the impact of transaction taxes on the real estate market in New York and New Jersey.

Research Interests

Income Based Interventions


American Community Survey
Administrative Data (state or national)
Consumer Expenditure Survey
Current Population Survey
Eurostat Data
Health and Retirement Study
Luxembourg Income Study
Panel Study of Income Dynamics
Survey of Income and Program Participation
Survey of Consumer Finance
Vital Statistics Data